Welcome to our podcast! It’s all about mental health, emotional well-being and navigating your mind during these strange times. Our episodes will be full of anecdotes, light hearted humour, tips and advice that have helped us from a professional point of view (Tim) and a non-professional point of view (Britt). It’s basically the conversations we have in our kitchen, recorded for everyone to hear. We hope you enjoy! Tim & Britt Box

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Episode 35 - 1 Year Anniversary Episode Q&A
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
It's been exactly a year since we uploaded the very first episode of Thinking Outside The Box, and what a year it's been!
The pandemic is still a thing, anxiety and depression amongst young people is still on the rise and Britt and Tim Box are still doing their podcast.
A few weeks ago we put the call out on our socials for you, our beloved listeners to ask us YOUR questions.
We got some absolute scorchers!
Some were about us as a couple, some were about what we do and some were about mental health in general.
In this episode we answer those questions and more.
Along the way we hear about Tim's disagreement with a seat belt, Britt makes the claim that she's NOT a psychopath, and we describe in great and perhaps unnecessary detail how we settle arguments in the Box household!
Hope you enjoy this one.
Keep thinking outside the box!
Tim and Britt xx

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Episode 34 - Envy, Jealousy and The Impact On Our Mental Health
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Envy and Jealousy are powerful emotions that we all experience at some point in our life, but what are the impacts on our mental health when we go too deeply into them?
In this episode Tim and Britt draw from their own experiences to offer a slightly different view of envy and why it can be a positive emotion when used correctly.
Along the way Tim reveals what he bought with his Xmas vouchers, Britt gives an impromptu ASMR session and we find out who each others' free pass is!
Tim and Britt

Friday Dec 31, 2021
Episode 33 - New Year, New You?
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
We stand poised on the brink of a new year and many of us will be making resolutions and setting our goals and targets for 2022.
However, with all the pressure we receive to be better and do more, what is the potential impact on our mental health and how do we set realistic, achievable and empowering goals for the next 12 months without setting ourself up for the negative emotional impact of potential failure.
In this episode we discuss our thoughts on new year's resolutions and give our views on how to do it the right way.
Along the way Britt talks about her desire to crush a water melon between her thighs, Tim explains the value of thinking about thinking about doing things, and Britt resolves to smash the patriarchy.
Hope you enjoy this one , and whatever you do, have a restful and happy new year.
Keep thinking outside the box!!
Britt and Tim.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Episode 32 - Are You Over Emotional?
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Do you ever get the feeling you're the most emotional person in the room?
In this episode we discuss those times when we feel like our emotions are dialled up to 11, what it means about our mental health, and how we can manage our wellbeing so that we get back in control of our own responses.
As usual we bring our unique blend of (semi) professionalism and personal experience and along the way we explain how to do an Italian accent without talking, and find out what annoys Britt most about Tim being a hypnotist.
Enjoy...and keep thinking outside the box!
Tim and Britt xx

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Episode 31 - Death
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Here it is! The topic that NOBODY asked us to talk about.
Considering it's just about the only thing that everyone on the planet is guaranteed to do at some point it could be viewed as strange that nobody ever talks about it.
However, death represents the fear that all other fears are in the shadow of.
Fear of flying? It's really a fear of crashing and dying.
Fear of heights? It's really a fear of falling to our death.
Fear of buttons? Well, ok...maybe not that one, but the fact remains that most people do all they can to avoid thinking about death and as a result are likely to experience excessive fear and discomfort when they inevitably have to.
Whether it's due to the loss of a loved one or a life threatening illness we will all at some point be unavoidably confronted with our own mortality.
In this podcast we start the conversation, and explore some of our many and varied opinions about death and what it means to live an existence that is ultimately finite.
Along the way we discuss past life regression, psychic readings and why Tim doesn't do his own plumbing anymore.
Hope you enjoy this one and please remember to subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review.
Oh...and of course keep thinking outside the box.
Tim and Britt.

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Episode 30 - World Mental Health Day: The Good, The Bad and The Obvious
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Today is 10th October 2021 and it's World Mental Health Day, a day to educate, raise awareness and dispel any stigma around positive discussions about mental health.
In this episode we talk about the current state of Mental Health Awareness: what we agree with, what we disagree with, and what we feel still needs more attention.
We break down the advice of the World Federation For Mental Health and give our own top tips that we use to manage our own mental health every day.
Along the way we discuss snowball fights in shorts, Britt's obsession with Back To The Future and how much we both hated PE at school.
Hope you enjoy this episode.
Let us know your thoughts!
Keep thinking outside the box!!
Tim and Britt.

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Episode 29 - What We Learnt About Mental Health On A Disney Cruise
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
When was the last time you unplugged from the matrix?
So much of our time is spent instantly and constantly connected to everyone and everything that it can be hard to truly switch off from it all.
On our recent trip away on the Disney UK Staycation cruise, we were put in a situation we weren't sure how to cope with; absolutely no signal or wifi. But, spoiler alert, the world kept turning and nothing of note happened in the time we were physically unable to check our phones.
We wanted to discuss the positive effect of completely switching off from it all had on our mental health and emotional well-being as well as giving our top tips on how to unplug every so often.
As well as this, we discuss Britt's lemon themed prison persona, and why Tim has an issue with Wagamama's.
We hope you enjoy this one.
Come find us on social media -
And, as always, keep thinking outside the box.
Britt & Tim.

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Episode 28 - Men‘s Mental Health
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 50. It seems to be the unspoken truth that while women are more likely to seek help in times of emotional distress, men may not feel as open discussing it.
We all manage our mental health, just as we would our physical, but men's mental health specifically is a topic that is thankfully getting more attention in the media in recent years.
In this episode we talk about the negative effects toxic masculinity plays in men's mental health, why 'man up' may be one of the most unhelpful terms in the English vocabulary and how we all have a part to play in helping the men in our lives.
As usual, we go off topic just a touch to lighten the mood as we discuss dinosaurs on the moon, Tim's 'tradesman' telephone voice and Britt likens Adam Driver to a fridge.
We hope you enjoy this one.
Come find us on Instagram -
Britt - @brittmariebox
Tim - @timboxmindcoach
Remember to subscribe for weekly episodes and of course...
Keep thinking outside the box!
Tim and Britt.

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Episode 27 - Relationships and Mental Health
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Our close relationships can have a huge impact on the state of our mental health. So how do we manage our own emotional wellbeing in the face of a potentially challenging relationship?
How do we recognise when a relationship is toxic to our mental health and what can we do about that?
In this episode we talk about all the many and varied lessons we have learnt from going through our fair share of bad relationships and explain what we did differently this time and why we believe our relationship works.
Along the way we discuss gaslighting, narcissism and why exactly Britt recorded this episode in her dressing gown.
We hope you enjoy this one.
Come find us on Instagram -
Britt - @brittmariebox
Tim - @timboxmindcoach
Remember to subscribe for weekly episodes and of course...
Keep thinking outside the box!
Tim and Britt.

Friday Aug 27, 2021
Episode 26 - Trauma
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
We're back and we've come back BIG!
In this episode we discuss Trauma.
We talk about definitions of trauma, what the effects can be and what we actually do about getting past it.
Along the way we both share stories of our own personal trauma, including experiences of bereavement, displacement and bullying.
As always we approach the topic in usual TOTB style and do all we can to shine a light rather than simply curse the darkness.
We hope you enjoy this one. Let us know what you thought on Instagram:
Or head over to Tim's YouTube channel for videos on all the topics covered in the podcast:
Tim Box - Mind Coach
Remember to keep thinking outside the box!
Tim and Britt Box
Note: If you are experiencing the effects of trauma then please reach out to a professional for assistance.